The Best Pore Minimizing Tips

Large pores? I have a few solutions!

Even though your large pores may be driving you crazy and preventing you from achieving that matte, porcelain look, it’s important to set expectations straight. You may not be able to completely get rid of large pores. That’s because pores are normal! The size of your pores is mostly due to genetics and hormones.  However, you can minimize their appearance and prevent them from getting clogged, inflamed and from potentially causing acne.

What causes pores to become enlarged?

Every hair follicle on our skin has a pore at the top of it. The hair follicle has a gland (called the sebaceous gland) that produces oil. When the glad produces and releases the oil, the oil rises to the top of the skin and deposits in the pores. When oil collects in the pore with dirt, and makeup, the pore becomes clogged. As the blockage in the pore enlarges, so does the pore size, making them more noticeable.

There are 2 types of pores: 
  1. The pores that release sebum, the body’s natural oil
  2. The pores that release sweat

Oftentimes, it’s the pores that release the oil that appear large. Here are a few ways to minimize their appearance:

  • Wash the face twice a day
    • Especially important after a workout or after sweating
    • Use a gentle cleanser that is alcohol-free and oil-free as these can irritate the skin
    • Also avoid using a moisturizing cleanser as that can leave residue in the pores and can increase oil production
    • Use a gel-based cleanser
  • Exfoliate
    • This should be done once or twice a week, especially if you have oily skin
    • This will help remove any debris that may be clogging your pores
    • Avoid exfoliating more than twice a week as this can dry out the skin and as a result, have a counter effect and make your pores look bigger
    • Examples:
    • physical exfoliants
    • chemical exfoliants such as glycolic acid and lactic acid which are AHA ( Alpha-Hydroxy Acids) and salicylic acid which is a BHA ( Beta-Hydroxy  Acid)
  • Salicylic acid toner
    • Use 2% salicylic acid twice a week
    • Increased frequency may cause irritation
  • Moisturize daily
    • Remember that dry skin can make pores look larger
    • Use an oil-free moisturizer. Avoid ingredients such as petrolatum, coconut oil and other oils as oil-based products can clog pores
    • Use a water-based moisturizer
    • Moisturizing helps keep the oil deep in the skin, rather than in the pores where they can lead to clogging. If your face is too dry, the sebaceous glands will over produce oil to compensate. So I cannot stress the importance of hydration!
  • Use Niacinamide cream daily
    • Must be 2-5% to be effective
    • Keeps skin smooth and moisturized, with secondary benefits of minimizing pore size
    • Reduces inflammation
  • Use a Retinoid product
    • Helps minimize congestion in your pores by purging of oily plugs
    • Increase cell turnover, which also helps improve overall thickness of the skin
    • Start by using 3 times a week, until you build tolerance and then increase frequency to once daily at bedtime
    • Retinoid products are photosensitive and can cause sun burn. Reserve use for bedtime
  • Apply a clay mask
    • Use twice a week to remove oil from the pores
    • Avoid exfoliation before or after as doing both on the same day can irritate the skin from overtreating. Irritation can cause the pores to look larger and can lead to blemishes.
  • Use water-based make-up
    • Reduces the likelihood of clogged pores
    • Light weight and hydrating
  • Remove makeup
    • Always remove any makeup at night to avoid pores getting clogged from makeup buildup, dirt, oil, and bacteria
    •  If you’re in a hurry, use makeup wipes
  • Wear Sunscreen
    • Sun exposure can dry out the skin and make pores appear larger
  • Microneedling
    • Uses a dermaroller (a handheld roller with tiny needles on it) or a microneedling pen (an electric device that pierces the skin with tiny needles)
    • Piercing the skin causes microinjuries, which stimulate collagen for skin healing. This helps reduce pore size, improve acne scars, and help with overall skin complexion
  • Laser treatments
    • They can reduce oil production and decrease pore size
  • Hydration
    • Drink lots of water !! Water hydrates the skin from within. This is not only beneficial in helping minimize pore size, but for overall skin health and plumpness

It is possible to reduce pore size with the right skin care products and treatments as long as you maintain this daily routine and commit to it. Remember that overtreatment can result in skin damage and irritation and as a result, enlarged pores. So be gently.  If your pores remain clogged and you develop acne breakouts, it may be worth seeing a doctor to discuss other treatments options.

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