Depression and Anxiety

We’ve all been there! I’m sure one of you has taken a medication for depression or anxiety at some point in your life and some of you may have taken them for many years!  The most commonly used class of medications for depression or anxiety are the SSRI’s (serotonin reuptake inhibitors). In general, antidepressants are […]

The Pillars of Self-Care

Self-care is defined as the process of taking care of oneself with the actions we take daily, 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, to maintain health, treat minor conditions, and manage chronic disease. This includes regular check-ups at the doctor, strengthening mental health, making the right food choices, exercise, sleep, dental care, talking […]

Have you been feeling tired, anxious, depressed, or experiencing difficulty falling asleep? Your medications may be causing you to feel this way by depleting certain vitamins and minerals. Get my FREE guide to medication-induced nutrient deficiencies to find out more.

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